Tuesday, August 24, 2010


"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." 

Bold letters are great attention grabbers, huh?

Let us look back at Term One. Many Projects were set in motion, but none came close to finishing. The Wick, though it is written to Chapter 8, was never finished typing. Rebel's Mind only got a Test Video. Forgotten was pretty much forgot about. 

Basically, not much progress was made in Term One.

But that was because it was the beginning. And the beginning is always slow.

But that is not the case in Term Two. This is my second chance, and I'm not wasting it.

The definition of the prefix re- is again. So basically, we are going to begin again.

So without further ado, let us find out what will be going down this Term.

Rebel's Mind: This is a maybe, just because AbstractWorks has a machinima we are all producing, and RM is my own project. So if I release it, it will be slow developing.

The Wick: I want to get half the book done, no, I need to get half this book done. So expect that to be updated soon.

Forgotten: This is a real tough thing to get around to working on. I have like 3 of the levels made, but I've to busy to really get down and get so deep into Source SDK.

Updates: Every Monday starting Monday, September 6. Expect new content around September 13.

To prove I am not lying when I'm serious this term, here are links to three maps I've produced over the Summer on Source SDK. The first two are really basic deathmatch maps, but the third is all out warfare. Enjoy these and expect more soon, after I help out Cen, Tom, and Dean with mapping and settle into school.

Well guys, I guess that's it. If you are still supporting me, I thank you and hope this Term will a great one.

Remember, updates begin September 6th!
